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Version: 1.8.0 (latest)

Test utils


This page is for dlt+, which requires a license. Join our early access program for a trial license.


dlt+ provides a pytest plugin with a set of powerful fixtures and utilities that simplify testing for dlt+ projects. These testing utilities are packaged separately in dlt-plus-tests, making it easy to install them as a development dependency. Check the installation guide for instructions on how to install the package.

The dlt-plus-tests package includes:


Currently, dlt-plus-tests is available on the dltHub PyPI registry. However, it will soon be moved to

pip install --index-url --no-deps  dlt-plus-tests

Predefined fixtures and utilsโ€‹

The dlt-plus-tests package provides a set of predefined fixtures and utility functions:

  • Fixtures are available under dlt_plus_tests.fixtures
  • Utility functions can be found in dlt_plus_tests.utils


To enable essential fixtures, add the following imports to your

from dlt_plus_tests.fixtures import (
auto_preserve_environ as auto_preserve_environ,
drop_pipeline as drop_pipeline,
autouse_test_storage as autouse_test_storage,

These fixtures must be explicitly imported to be activated. Please find the short description for the fixtures below:

Fixture NameDescriptionFixture Settings
auto_preserve_environPreserves environment variables before the test and restores them afterward.autouse=True
auto_drop_pipelineDrops active pipeline data after test execution unless marked with 'no_load'.autouse=True
autouse_test_storageCleans and provides test storage for the project context.autouse=True
auto_unload_modulesUnloads all modules inspected in these tests.autouse=True
auto_preserve_run_contextRestores the initial run context when the test completes.autouse=True
auto_preserve_sources_registryPreserves and restores the source registry for tests.autouse=True, scope="function"
auto_cwd_to_local_dirChanges the working directory to a temporary directory for test execution.autouse=True
auto_test_access_profileMocks the access profile by prefixing 'tests-' to the returned profile name.autouse=True

Tests executionโ€‹

Config setup will activate the run context with dlt.yml of the Project being tested. The tests profile will be activated (and must be present).

In the test project run context:

  • run_dir points to the project being tested
  • data_dir points to _data/tests/

autouse_test_storage fixture:

  • cleans up data_dir (typically _data/tests) folder (in relation to project root dir)
  • cleans up local_dir (typically _data/tests/local) folder (in relation to project root dir)


Additional cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž utilities for verifying loads, checking table counts, and inspecting metrics can be imported from

IsInstanceMockMatchClassA helper for mocking comparisons: its __eq__ method returns True if the compared object is an instance of a specified class.
get_test_project_contextFunctionRetrieves the current ProjectRunContext from dlt_plus.
get_local_dirFunctionFetches the path to the local directory from the current project's configuration.
clean_test_storageFunctionRemoves any existing data directory, recreates it, and sets up a FileStorage in the project's temporary directory. Optionally copies configuration files from tests/.dlt.
delete_test_storageFunctionDeletes the folder used by the test storage if it exists.
drop_active_pipeline_dataFunctionDrops all datasets for the currently active pipeline, attempts to remove its working folder, and then deactivates the pipeline context.
assert_load_infoFunctionEnsures that the specified number of load packages have been loaded successfully, with no failed jobs. Raises an error if any failed jobs are present.
load_table_countsFunctionReturns a dictionary of row counts for the given table names by querying the pipeline's SQL client.
load_tables_to_dictsFunctionRetrieves the contents of specified tables from the pipeline as lists of dictionaries, optionally excluding system columns (_dlt*) and allowing the result to be sorted by a given key.
assert_records_as_setFunctionCompares two lists of dictionaries by converting each to a set of key-value pairs, ensuring they match regardless of order.

pytest.ini optionsโ€‹

The plugin introduces two additional pytest.ini options, which are automatically set and usually do not need modifications:


Pytest config setupโ€‹

Below is an example pyproject.toml configuration for uv:

name = "dlt-portable-data-lake-demo"

dependencies = [

dev-dependencies = [

name = "dlt-hub"
url = ""

dlt-plus = { index = "dlt-hub" }
dlt-plus-tests = { index = "dlt-hub" }

Writing testsโ€‹

When writing tests, you can use the dlt project API to request project entities and run them. For example:

from dlt_plus.project import Project
from dlt_plus.project.entity_factory import EntityFactory
from dlt_plus.project.pipeline_manager import PipelineManager
from dlt_plus_tests.fixtures import auto_test_access_profile as auto_test_access_profile
from dlt_plus_tests.utils import assert_load_info, load_table_counts

def test_events_to_data_lake(dpt_project_config: Project) -> None:
"""Make sure we dispatch the events to tables properly"""
factory = EntityFactory(dpt_project_config)
github_events = factory.create_source_factory("events")
events_to_lake = factory.create_pipeline("events_to_lake")
info =

# Did I load my test data?
assert load_table_counts(
events_to_lake, *events_to_lake.default_schema.data_table_names()
) == {
"issues_event": 604,

def test_t_layer(dpt_project_config: Project) -> None:
"""Make sure that our generated dbt package creates expected reports in the data warehouse"""
pipeline_manager = PipelineManager(dpt_project_config)
info = pipeline_manager.run_pipeline("events_to_lake")

Here, we get the current project via the dpt_project_config fixture and use EntityFactory and PipelineManager to get instances of the entities and run them. The test plugin ensures that each test starts with a clean state, with the test profile active, and that any datasets created by pipelines (also on remote destinations) are dropped.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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