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The Delta destination is based on the filesystem destination in dlt. All configuration options from the filesystem destination can be configured as well.


Under the hood, dlt+ uses the deltalake library to write Delta tables. Beware that when loading a large amount of data for one table, the underlying Rust implementation will consume a lot of memory. This is a known issue, and the maintainers are actively working on a solution. You can track the progress here. Until the issue is resolved, you can mitigate the memory consumption by doing multiple smaller incremental pipeline runs.


Make sure you have installed the necessary dependencies:

pip install deltalake
pip install pyarrow>=2.0.18

Initialize a dlt+ project in the current working directory with the following command:

# replace sql_database with the source of your choice
dlt project init sql_database delta

This will create a Delta destination in your dlt.yml, where you can configure the destination:

type: delta
bucket_url: "s3://your_bucket" # replace with bucket url

The credentials can be defined in the secrets.toml:

# secrets.toml
aws_access_key_id="Please set me up!"
aws_secret_access_key="Please set me up!"

The Delta destination can also be defined in Python as follows:

pipeline = dlt.pipeline("loads_delta", destination="delta")

Write dispositions

The Delta destination handles the write dispositions as follows:

  • append - files belonging to such tables are added to the dataset folder.
  • replace - all files that belong to such tables are deleted from the dataset folder, and then the current set of files is added.
  • merge - can be used only with the upsert merge strategy.

The upsert merge strategy for the Delta destination is experimental.

The merge write disposition can be configured as follows on the source/resource level:

type: sources.my_source
disposition: merge
strategy: upsert

Or on the level:{"disposition": "merge", "strategy": "upsert"})


Delta tables can be partitioned (using Hive-style partitioning) by specifying one or more partition column hints on the source/resource level:

type: sources.my_source
partition: True

Partition evolution (changing partition columns after a table has been created) is currently not supported.

Table access helper functions

You can use the get_delta_tables helper functions to access the native DeltaTable objects.

from dlt.common.libs.deltalake import get_delta_tables


# get dictionary of DeltaTable objects
delta_tables = get_delta_tables(pipeline)

# execute operations on DeltaTable objects
delta_tables["another_delta_table"].optimize.z_order(["col_a", "col_b"])
# delta_tables["my_delta_table"].vacuum()
# etc.

Table format

The Delta destination automatically assigns the delta table format to all resources that it will load. You can still fall back to storing files by setting table_format to native on the resource level:

def my_resource():

pipeline = dlt.pipeline("loads_delta", destination="delta")

Storage options

You can pass storage options by configuring

deltalake_storage_options = '{"AWS_S3_LOCKING_PROVIDER": "dynamodb", "DELTA_DYNAMO_TABLE_NAME": "custom_table_name"}'

dlt passes these options to the storage_options argument of the write_deltalake method in the deltalake library. Look at their documentation to see which options can be used.

You don't need to specify credentials here. dlt merges the required credentials with the options you provided before passing them as storage_options.


When using s3, you need to specify storage options to configure locking behavior.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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