ExceptionTrace Objects
class ExceptionTrace(TypedDict)
Exception trace. NOTE: we intend to change it with an extended line by line trace with code snippets
Says if exception is terminal if happened to a job during load step
Public attributes of an exception deriving from DltException (not starting with _)
Load id if found in exception attributes
Pipeline name if found in exception attributes or in the active pipeline (Container)
Source name if found in exception attributes or in Container
Resource name if found in exception attributes
Job id if found in exception attributes
DltException Objects
class DltException(Exception)
def __reduce__() -> Any
Enables exceptions with parametrized constructor to be pickled
def attrs() -> Dict[str, Any]
Returns "public" attributes of the DltException
TerminalException Objects
class TerminalException(BaseException)
Marks an exception that cannot be recovered from, should be mixed in into concrete exception class
TransientException Objects
class TransientException(BaseException)
Marks an exception in operation that can be retried, should be mixed in into concrete exception class
TerminalValueError Objects
class TerminalValueError(ValueError, TerminalException)
ValueError that is unrecoverable
SignalReceivedException Objects
class SignalReceivedException(KeyboardInterrupt, TerminalException)
Raises when signal comes. Derives from BaseException
to not be caught in regular exception handlers.
PipelineException Objects
class PipelineException(DltException)
def __init__(pipeline_name: str, msg: str) -> None
Base class for all pipeline exceptions. Should not be raised.