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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)


SupportsReadableRelation Objects

class SupportsReadableRelation(Protocol)


A readable relation retrieved from a destination that supports it


Known dlt table columns for this relation


def df(chunk_size: int = None) -> Optional[DataFrame]


Fetches the results as data frame. For large queries the results may be chunked

Fetches the results into a data frame. The default implementation uses helpers in to generate Pandas data frame. This function will try to use native data frame generation for particular destination. For BigQuery: QueryJob.to_dataframe is used. For duckdb: `DuckDBPyConnection.df'


  • chunk_size int, optional - Will chunk the results into several data frames. Defaults to None
  • **kwargs Any - Additional parameters which will be passed to native data frame generation function.


  • Optional[DataFrame] - A data frame with query results. If chunk_size > 0, None will be returned if there is no more data in results


def arrow(chunk_size: int = None) -> Optional[ArrowTable]


fetch arrow table of first 'chunk_size' items


def iter_df(chunk_size: int) -> Generator[DataFrame, None, None]


iterate over data frames tables of 'chunk_size' items


def iter_arrow(chunk_size: int) -> Generator[ArrowTable, None, None]


iterate over arrow tables of 'chunk_size' items


def fetchall() -> List[Tuple[Any, ...]]


fetch all items as list of python tuples


def fetchmany(chunk_size: int) -> List[Tuple[Any, ...]]


fetch first 'chunk_size' items as list of python tuples


def iter_fetch(chunk_size: int) -> Generator[List[Tuple[Any, ...]], Any, Any]


iterate in lists of python tuples in 'chunk_size' chunks


def fetchone() -> Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]]


fetch first item as python tuple


def limit(limit: int, **kwargs: Any) -> "SupportsReadableRelation"


limit the result to 'limit' items

def head(limit: int = 5) -> "SupportsReadableRelation"


limit the result to 5 items by default


def select(*columns: str) -> "SupportsReadableRelation"


set which columns will be selected


def __getitem__(
columns: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> "SupportsReadableRelation"


set which columns will be selected


def __getattr__(attr: str) -> Any


get an attribute of the relation


def __copy__() -> "SupportsReadableRelation"


create a copy of the relation object

DBApiCursor Objects

class DBApiCursor(SupportsReadableRelation)


Protocol for DBAPI cursor


Cursor implementation native to current destination

SupportsReadableDataset Objects

class SupportsReadableDataset(Protocol)


A readable dataset retrieved from a destination, has support for creating readable relations for a query or table

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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